Assalamualaikum wbt,
Never feel something yang teramat sakit sebelum ini. But this time, i really surrender.
My experience 1st time surgery and its in my breast.

Doctor said there is 2 lumps in my breast. So after doc cakap macam tue, that make me feel worried even its not cancer. So after 7th times medical check up, i decided and my Dearie agreed want to remove the lumps.

Doctor said there is 2 lumps in my breast. So after doc cakap macam tue, that make me feel worried even its not cancer. So after 7th times medical check up, i decided and my Dearie agreed want to remove the lumps.
17th June 2011...
Actually me nervous and don't know what to say .
Appointment at 8.00am and we arrived there about 7.45am. Terus ke operation theater for registration. And alhamdulilah my turn yang ketiga. The staff nurse said 1st person will be on 9.00am so we can go to canteen for breakfast first.
After breakfast, terus naik balik ke Operation theater. That time dah mula rasa nervous sesangat. Coz i've no idea about what will happen in there.
And my Dearie harus tunggu di luar. Lagi la rs gelabah coz xde orang yang teman. Kalu boleh me nak my dearie teman masa surgery tue.
Masuk dalam area menunggu, me kena tukar pakaian . After tukar pakaian, harus menunggu giliran untuk di bedah.. I don't know what time coz area menunggu memang xde jam.
After 1 hour i think, nurse called my name and that time bila berjalan ke operation theater mula la gelabah.
I can see more than 5 doctors and nurses in that room. Machine di sana sini and also wayar yang berselirat. Ya Allah, sungguh menakutkan tapi my nervous dah hilang. I keep berselawat dan mengucap from bilik menunggu lagi.
The best part is, doctor in duty doctor lelaki.... same age with me and birth date pulak.
After random check, mula la nurses prepare everything.

Me really nervous !!!
When everything done, doctor tell me the 1st step. Dia mahu bius my breast. Huhuhu that time sakit sikit je masa ubat masuk dalam kulit.
Then dia bagitahu dia nak bedah..that time tuhan saja yang tahu..teringat semua orang !!
And the best part, u can feel doctor potong, masukkan jari dalam breast and macam2 la.
Hidup hidup lagi..hahaha cuma xsakit je..
Tapi yang takut nye tetiba doctor cakap xjumpa the lumps..HAH!!!
Nak mampus!!! nak bedah bagai teteiba xjumpa lumps...Argghhhhhhh!!!! Emakkkkk tolongggggggg!!!!!
But datang lagi seorang doctor tolong tengok and finally after dia rodok2 my breast ..
Alhamdulillah !!!
And tetiba, terasa kesakitan sangat bila doctor laser my breast coz nak stop kan darah.. Ya terus kuar suara cakap sakit sambil menahan perut..Doctor kata, lagi sikit je coz nak stop kan darah..
Rasanya ader la 4 kali dia laser and i dah mula nak menjerit..tapi bila nurse kata doctor dah nak jahit.. hati lega sesangat...
The best part is, doctor in duty doctor lelaki.... same age with me and birth date pulak.
After random check, mula la nurses prepare everything.

Me really nervous !!!
When everything done, doctor tell me the 1st step. Dia mahu bius my breast. Huhuhu that time sakit sikit je masa ubat masuk dalam kulit.
Then dia bagitahu dia nak bedah..that time tuhan saja yang tahu..teringat semua orang !!
And the best part, u can feel doctor potong, masukkan jari dalam breast and macam2 la.
Hidup hidup lagi..hahaha cuma xsakit je..
Tapi yang takut nye tetiba doctor cakap xjumpa the lumps..HAH!!!
Nak mampus!!! nak bedah bagai teteiba xjumpa lumps...Argghhhhhhh!!!! Emakkkkk tolongggggggg!!!!!
But datang lagi seorang doctor tolong tengok and finally after dia rodok2 my breast ..
Alhamdulillah !!!
And tetiba, terasa kesakitan sangat bila doctor laser my breast coz nak stop kan darah.. Ya terus kuar suara cakap sakit sambil menahan perut..Doctor kata, lagi sikit je coz nak stop kan darah..
Rasanya ader la 4 kali dia laser and i dah mula nak menjerit..tapi bila nurse kata doctor dah nak jahit.. hati lega sesangat...